Thursday, April 07, 2011


My second day in Trivandrum gave me great opportunities to meet elite people from Malayalam media. Mr. Baiju Chandran senior journalist took me to DD Malayalam office.  While driving to Office we discussed major political issues in Kerala. I must say I have learnt allot while discussing.

Mr. Chandra worked as a student leader in his college days during emergency, he shared his experiences in reporting from Trivandrum. He said “Kerala politics are quite typical compared to other state politics because here we can see many parties with different mottos working together in government“.
    He explained major political movements in Kerala from emergency. How communists came to power with direct voting (it was the first time in the world for communist to be in power with voting), Described How communist parties separated to CPM and CPI, How communists lost their power within two years, how AK antony lead the government in Kerala when he was chief minister. Why Kerala people choose to change the government for every five years and etc…., he taught me many things.

DD Malayalam office is located in KUDUPANAKUNNU a hill top area in Trivandrum, is a beautiful place to have photographs but security dint allow me to take camera inside. I was introduced to many reporters and stringers in DD head office.

   I spoke to Dr K AMPADY Dept Director and Public information officer, An MMBS doctor turned journalist, and he enquired about my opinions on Indian politics and especially on AP politics.
Dr AMPADY is strong in central politics and is keen in observing politics from global perspective. He appreciated achutanandans Commitment to take Kerala towards Industrial development and his welfare schemes like KSHEERADHARA (brought down 75000 lit of milk imported to 25000 lit from North India) and Housing scheme (Gov builds homes for poor) and bank loans for formers.

     He was critical on both LDf and UDF for not discussing any public welfare issues in their rallies during the campaign. Amapady condemned the way both the parties shooting comments only on scams and scandals.
After the discussion we went to news room, I met stringers from Reuters and PTI and have seen how news comes into input desk and how it is divided on priority basis. They are using ENPS to upload news feeds, and then I spent the remaining time in editing room Prepared DOPESHEET for the 11o’colck bulletin.

Visited two news studios inside the office and spoke to SHAJI DEVI, news reader for Malayalam. She explained how to use teleprompter while reading. Studio was well decorated. Then I recorded a voice over in Sound proof room just for experience. I dint notice the time while was in DD office the passed in a minute.                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rajkamal Rao

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