Monday, February 07, 2011

What's Behind a RELATIONSHIP

          I was trying to find my new article for this day, I spoke to my friend before this and we were sharing our opinions on being in a relationship. I tried to find my relations and the words came out of my personnel emotions.  Some feel my writing as an  immature one  and some relate to their life.

 In our very common life we come across many emotive situations that made us laugh, cry and made us to express anger. Every moment in our life had dealt with dissimilar feelings. One had entirely different bondage from another and those relations left us with different feelings and emotions.

A relation may start with smile anger or sometimes quite by accidental and is an extension to the feeling which creates an impression.We come across many emotions from the childhood, like a baby recognising her mother and walking towards the door to wait for father’s arrival and crying for dolls and doggies. Every emotion which makes us to make an attachment to it is a relation.

How can we describe our relation with childhood friend who used share sweets and chocolates?

How can we describe our relation with granny’s who entertained us with beautiful stories and left their memories? .Our first crush and first proposal even though they were short?

All the relations are associated with a strong emotions .We try to find more and more relations and sometimes we try to break relations .But the strong feelings associated with the particular relation will never go.There is no measurement to find the strength of a relation and there is no principle that describes the status of a relation, it is always a feeling which describes the strength of a relation. A good relation should give hope, strength and will teach how to live.

A relation can have mixed feelings and variant emotions. Our generation has clearly understood the mixture of feelings in a relation and associated ‘being in love’ feel to it and try to replace the relations when our feelings get hurt. We fail to handle the balance of emotions and sometimes we don’t try to correct ourselves to be in a relation.

We try to associate our loosed feelings to a new relation but again we fail to realise the fact that every feeling is new in life like wise relations. There is no replacement for any emotion that we shared with someone. We can’t create feelings for others to be in a relation with us but we can keep the feelings intact. Try to get back your relations which cost billions and feelings which are priceless.

                                                                                                   Raj Kamal Vuppu

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