Sunday, April 10, 2011


      There is only one day left before elections, this time all the politicians are busy in calculating their vote share in every constituency.Tomorrow is the last day of campaign for elections 2011 in Kerala Both UDF LDF and BJP deployed their topmost leaders to address  Keralites.

        We felt this is the best time to know the pulse of people before the Election Day as they listened to almost all the alliances promises. We have selected different sections of people from various fields in The TEMPLE CITY Trivandrum for the final survey. There were some surprising elements in the survey and some were as predicted before elections.

Bapu Joe an auto union leader near Trivandrum Trivandrum central station surprises in response to the questions, says “We want to see BJP ruling this time because we have seen both UDF and LDF no one was in favorable to the common man. One makes decisions in their ruling and other will not continue the earlier schemes. He adds a small compliment to UDF government in 2001 but expressed anger on the way petrol and food grains prices were raised in their ruling in centre, Blames both the governments for misusing their power for self contributions and neglecting farmers and weaker sections of society.”  

  Mr. Roy Josef a government teacher explained the exact situation of the keralian politics and the ways how the poll strategies have been changing in past few years. He said “The Middle class women’s vote will be a crucial element in this forth coming election.These votes were gone in favor of UDF in last panchayath elections but we cannot expect the same situation this time.Kerala people  looks for change in government .

LDF has a large section of older generation voters but it cannot attract the youth because of its traditional anti development concepts. Common man is not atoll concerned about the free bees offered by political parties, he expects a secured life in a qualified administration. He expresses administration failure is a major problem in Kerala and adds no politic al party has been successful in making it.”                             .

Anirudh Sharma a Nambudri Brahmin appreciated some projects initiated by both the fronts but expressed disappointment with the way parties neglect their election promises. He also added no political alliance in Kerala is pure , we all know that if the election commission provides a facility for negative votes no party will come into power. We need committed politicians who are well literate and understand the middle class and the poor class.

Sajid and menon a working employees in KSRTC wish to see UDF in power. They believe that if state government alliance and central government alliance are same the national level schemes will be well implemented in the state.  They are expecting a 37% improvement in basic salary as they feel that their current package is not worthy for their normal livelihood.                                                   

 When we asked why u people never give chance to the earlier government he   says ‘’ we have no other option like third front here, if we would have anything like that we will definitely vote for that''

AMAN , SHARAT and ansaaf three mechanical engineering students says while answering the questions’’ whatever may be the government and who ever may be the chief minister we want secured Kerala, we want Industries , we want TECH Cities near KOCHI and Trivandrum. We wish to see better roadways in Kerala. “ 
Sesha chalam a junior lawyer of 26 yrs of age wish to see LDF in power and suggests LDf to change in some of its traditional methodologies of governance. He says” the political parties should change according to generation; we need fresh and young politicians who actually see politics in different perspective’’. After interviewing almost fifty plus people from different parts ion Trivandrum we concluded our survey.

  •     UDF have immense scope to sweep this election.
  •       People are frustrated with political parties throwing stones on each other.
  •       BJP vote division may change bring dramatic change in some constituencies.
  •       Voters expecting a well established administrative system in the power.
  •       Middle class women vote plays key role in this election.
  •       NRI vote may or may not affect the polls
  •       Price hikes, tourism and industrial development are major expectations.
  •       Free bees have no effect on voters.
  •       Money and liquor have very less impact in Kerala polls compared to the polls in other states.
  •     Many of them expressed unhappiness on media leaning towards some political parties

                                                                                                      Rajkamal vuppu

Saturday, April 09, 2011


Just four days before the election the Kerala voters are witnessing a bunch of national leaders from various parties, Prime Minister Manmohan, Rahul Gandhi and BJP Leader LK Advani campaigning for their parties in Kerala, Political parties throwing stones on each other on various issues in public meetings. 

Manmohan Singh addressing a public meeting in Kottayam says ‘’ LDF has shown an ineffective governance in its rule, it has failed to bring the UPA’s welfare schemes to the common man  and says LDF failed to recognize the fundamentals of development in Kerala’’ Prime Minister called upon the people  not to allow the Left to damage their interests further.

Singh brought several development schemes implemented by UPA like (JNNURM) Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission. He said UPA has always believed in Industrial development and voting for UDF will assure the implementation of all the schemes taken by UPA in centre and will assure stabilized growth in Kerala like in other states where congress is in ruling.

 Congress General Secretary Rahul Gandhi’s tour in chchalakudy, gathered many youth congress and NSUI leaders to the meeting point. Rahul was warmly welcomed by the local politicians.Rahul was all praise for the people of Kerala in his speech, he says” The spirit of Kerala has built the cities of Middle East, without their sweat Dubai could not have been built. The CPI (M) has stopped the spirit that created such wonders”.

He spoke about many schemes implemented by UPA and added mere industrialization can built a nation strong only when it revenue is spent in health care  education and youth training programs.

In a meeting in tiruvanatapuram Advani addressed BJP cadre and in a public meeting he threw stones on UPA’s failure in eradicating corruption. Said BJP is putting its all efforts to bring the black money back to India and he added BJP is in all sink with ANNA HAZARE’s demands regarding Jan lokpal Bill and Shown GUJARAT as a token of development done by BJP and Kerala will also witness such development if BJP comes into power.

Even though strong leaders from centre addressing rallies in Kerala a very few people seems to be paying attention to the promises made the politicians. Election commission has issued a public notice to not to telecast any recorded videos and advertisements in television after 5pm on Monday.
Tomorrow we will be doing a survey in Trivandrum on various schemes promised by parties in election and will bring in the views of all the sections of society on current political trends in Kerala.

                                                                                                  Rajkamal Vuppu 

Thursday, April 07, 2011


My second day in Trivandrum gave me great opportunities to meet elite people from Malayalam media. Mr. Baiju Chandran senior journalist took me to DD Malayalam office.  While driving to Office we discussed major political issues in Kerala. I must say I have learnt allot while discussing.

Mr. Chandra worked as a student leader in his college days during emergency, he shared his experiences in reporting from Trivandrum. He said “Kerala politics are quite typical compared to other state politics because here we can see many parties with different mottos working together in government“.
    He explained major political movements in Kerala from emergency. How communists came to power with direct voting (it was the first time in the world for communist to be in power with voting), Described How communist parties separated to CPM and CPI, How communists lost their power within two years, how AK antony lead the government in Kerala when he was chief minister. Why Kerala people choose to change the government for every five years and etc…., he taught me many things.

DD Malayalam office is located in KUDUPANAKUNNU a hill top area in Trivandrum, is a beautiful place to have photographs but security dint allow me to take camera inside. I was introduced to many reporters and stringers in DD head office.

   I spoke to Dr K AMPADY Dept Director and Public information officer, An MMBS doctor turned journalist, and he enquired about my opinions on Indian politics and especially on AP politics.
Dr AMPADY is strong in central politics and is keen in observing politics from global perspective. He appreciated achutanandans Commitment to take Kerala towards Industrial development and his welfare schemes like KSHEERADHARA (brought down 75000 lit of milk imported to 25000 lit from North India) and Housing scheme (Gov builds homes for poor) and bank loans for formers.

     He was critical on both LDf and UDF for not discussing any public welfare issues in their rallies during the campaign. Amapady condemned the way both the parties shooting comments only on scams and scandals.
After the discussion we went to news room, I met stringers from Reuters and PTI and have seen how news comes into input desk and how it is divided on priority basis. They are using ENPS to upload news feeds, and then I spent the remaining time in editing room Prepared DOPESHEET for the 11o’colck bulletin.

Visited two news studios inside the office and spoke to SHAJI DEVI, news reader for Malayalam. She explained how to use teleprompter while reading. Studio was well decorated. Then I recorded a voice over in Sound proof room just for experience. I dint notice the time while was in DD office the passed in a minute.                                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Rajkamal Rao

Wednesday, April 06, 2011


“Kerala-a state famous for its nature, its culture and its sea shore”, these are the early responses from any tourist after visiting to Kerala. Unlike other tourists am in a political tour across the state to cover assembly elections.

A day after central government declared 100% literacy rate in Kerala, I moved to Trivandrum to start my first internship with DD national team and I received warm welcome from the Editor of DD Malayalam in tiruvanantapuram. On the very first day of my work I was given an opportunity to cover Soniagandhi’s tour in South Kerala with DD national team from Delhi. (Delhi team led by Ritu verma an experienced political journalist and two senior camera persons)

We started our day early in the morning to reach HARIPAD assembly constituency. Journey through hill stations, forest and sea shore was visually pleasing. Ritu mam and I discussed very crucial issues in Kerala election.

(Kerala is a very complex state geographically and even politically, there is never a repetitive government after its term from last forty years. The Major political quarters in Kerla LDF (a communist party lead alliance) and UDF (a congress lead alliance) differ themselves in all the ways)
As there is only a week left before elections, all the top political personalities from centre were addressing public meetings all over Kerala from last week.

     Congress president Mrs. Gandhi arrived at Haripad to address a public meeting to get support for cong lead, she explained UPA government’s role in developing Kerala from past ten years and she reminded UPA’s policies to strengthen common man. Sonia strictly opposed LDF’s administrative failures in bringing the corruption down and she quoted LDF as an OLD fashioned Political Crew.
Oman chandy and vailar Ravi accompanied Mrs. Gandhi in this campaign but couldn’t speak in public rallies. 

         Congress men worked day and night to bring maximum crowd to the meeting but were a bit unsuccessful. The meeting went peacefully but there was no enthusiasm in public while Sonia was delivering her speech.
It was first time for me to sit in media stand but it gave me opportunity to observe many things in live telecast, as the meeting finished we moved to allapi to cover boat rider’s views and expectations in coming elections. Alapi is all about greenery and water with beautifully decorated HOUSE BOATS.I suggest every one to visit allapi once.

                                                                                                                   Rajkamal rao