Friday, February 18, 2011


Foundation for media professionals (FMP) has initiated Discussion on Corruption in media on Thursday and tried to identify whether Media is a Watch dog or a Lap Dog, Discussion Panel included experienced media professionals from various print and electronic media houses.

Nehru Library auditorium at Theen Murti Bhavan in Delhi has become a debating platform on CORRUPTION IN MEDIA, the fourth pillar of Indian constitution
Discussion hosted by Paranjoy Guha Thakurta, a journalist with over 20 years experience in print, radio and television.

Bharat Bhushan editor in chief Mail today explained the underlined structure in corporate media organisations based on viewership and investments. Bhushan described the difference between good editors and bad editors in making worthy news, suggested the journalists to choose the best way to protect public interests.

Gopikrishna from PIONEER who disclosed 2G SCAM shared his research work involved in bringing the Spectrum distribution issue to forefront, Gopi explained the Dual policy designed in issuing Telecome licences for TATA and Reliance in 2007.

Shalini Singh from Times of India expressed her anger on the corrupted policies made by the government and the challenges faced to disclose those policies.

Sunil Jain editor of the financial express said ‘’ If u want be a good journalist try to be a reporter but not as an editor’’. Mr Prabhal, correspondent shared the whole episode of ADARSH housing Society Scam.

Josef Joy and Jagadeep spoke about the Internal Democracy in media, the responsibility of media to act according to peoples interests and not for their personal agendas.
The Discussion summary has given a clear opinion on the Commitment of a journalist to be a Watchdog. Auditorium filled up with Young and experienced Journalists and filled in the spirit of good journalism.

After a question and answer session FMP and the Discussion panel interacted with students from various Journalism schools.

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

REALITY IN REEL- one day at IIC film festival

‘’JOHR BAAGH STATION DOORS WILL OPEN ON THER RIGHT PLEASE MIND THE GAP’’. When we heard the habituated voice from Delhi metro enouncement we rushed towards the doors in the heavily crowded metro.

 We inquired they way to IIC (India International center) at every corner of the LODHI ROAD and finally we entered the beautiful garden of IIC. The Colorful hoardings of film festival PERSISTENCE RESISTANCE warmly welcomed us to the auditorium.

Surprisingly we met Sharmila Tagore a famous actress at the Inaugural ceremony. She was the chief guest for the Book release. We have gone across many visually pleasing sequences in and out of the auditorium.
I felt the place like a retro fashion parade as all the film makers wore dignified cotton clothing’s and  their neglected hair style visualised their dedication towards film making.

Inaugural ceremony focused on the civilian and journalist rights. Orators presented the importance of various Medias in emerging a strong democratic nation. One of the orator said ‘’ we have come across a major change in the judiciary system in the last Five years, especially on freedom of speech on sexuality’’. Sharmila Tagore released the book FIRE which is based on Deepa Mehta’s film FIRE and appreciated her work to bring in lesbian and homosexual emotions to forefront.

Documentary films started with Arun Khopkar’s series of movies. First movie Rasika priya inspired from the Indian classical ragas. Mr Khopkar brought out interlaced relation between Nature and Music. Rasika was a visually pleasing movie with beautiful locations from Hilltop Mountains, waterfalls and beautiful flowers.

Another movie LOKAPRIYA was an informative movie on change in music from 40’s till date. Background scores in the movie all the viewers attention and every started humming the old melodies in the movie. Movie gave a great opportunity to watch the legendary Musicians of Hindi film industry. His next movie SANCHARI visualised Indian classical dance forms, camera work in Sanchari was appreciable in the way he shot different dancing movements with a single camera.

Post Lunch break we rushed into the auditorium to watch a foreign film SISTERS IN LAW. A strong story dealt with Domestic violence and Women rights. Story line was about two women and one kid.
SIL showed the outlook of Conservative Muslim family structure where women have no freedom to protest and protect themselves and The Ill treatment of a child at her aunt’s house. Movie also brought the living and working style of African villagers.

The last movie was THE CITY BEAUTIFUL by RAHUL ROY, a famous Indian film maker who won several awards all over the world. Movie was about two middle class families who migrated to Delhi from their own town.

It was a day worth full in my life. I obelised by the way the film makers behaved and their patients to listen to critics was a learning experience. Camera work in all the movies brought intensity to stories 

                                                                                                    RAJ KAMAL VUPPU

Monday, February 07, 2011

What's Behind a RELATIONSHIP

          I was trying to find my new article for this day, I spoke to my friend before this and we were sharing our opinions on being in a relationship. I tried to find my relations and the words came out of my personnel emotions.  Some feel my writing as an  immature one  and some relate to their life.

 In our very common life we come across many emotive situations that made us laugh, cry and made us to express anger. Every moment in our life had dealt with dissimilar feelings. One had entirely different bondage from another and those relations left us with different feelings and emotions.

A relation may start with smile anger or sometimes quite by accidental and is an extension to the feeling which creates an impression.We come across many emotions from the childhood, like a baby recognising her mother and walking towards the door to wait for father’s arrival and crying for dolls and doggies. Every emotion which makes us to make an attachment to it is a relation.

How can we describe our relation with childhood friend who used share sweets and chocolates?

How can we describe our relation with granny’s who entertained us with beautiful stories and left their memories? .Our first crush and first proposal even though they were short?

All the relations are associated with a strong emotions .We try to find more and more relations and sometimes we try to break relations .But the strong feelings associated with the particular relation will never go.There is no measurement to find the strength of a relation and there is no principle that describes the status of a relation, it is always a feeling which describes the strength of a relation. A good relation should give hope, strength and will teach how to live.

A relation can have mixed feelings and variant emotions. Our generation has clearly understood the mixture of feelings in a relation and associated ‘being in love’ feel to it and try to replace the relations when our feelings get hurt. We fail to handle the balance of emotions and sometimes we don’t try to correct ourselves to be in a relation.

We try to associate our loosed feelings to a new relation but again we fail to realise the fact that every feeling is new in life like wise relations. There is no replacement for any emotion that we shared with someone. We can’t create feelings for others to be in a relation with us but we can keep the feelings intact. Try to get back your relations which cost billions and feelings which are priceless.

                                                                                                   Raj Kamal Vuppu

Sunday, February 06, 2011

Anish Kapoor- an artistic genius of Modern Art

Anish Kapoor  Who gained fame with his creations like Sky Mirror, Cloud Gate, Mother as Mountain. The architectural inventions of Mr Kapoor have brought the deepest thoughts of an Architect.
Anish kapoor (born 12 March 1954) is a British sculptor of Indian origin Born in Mumbai, has lived and worked in London since the early 70’s. His early influence of Art and music came from his mother.  

British Council in association with Louis Vuitton Initiated to bring Mr.Aneesh kapoors First Exhibition in India at Jaipoor House New Delhi. The president of Congress Party Sri Sonia Gandhi Inaugurated the Exhibition.
Kapoor’s unique style and Indian heritage have combined to make him one of the most engaging and a distinctive artist in the world. The exhibition is the first ever showcase of his work in the country of his birth.

Mallika Sarabhai Dancer and Art lover who visited the exhibition says” Kapoor’s Exhibition Describing the potential of Indian sculptures, The Indian Government must take initiative to give space to the Modern art “.

Kapoor’s  art  and sculptures Depicted his interest towards Monochromatic colours which described his deepest thoughts  and The defined Geometric  frames  in his creation has shown  the intense .

Documentary on kapoors creations was a master piece of audio visual work which included Kapoor’s biography and his sculptures all over the world. The video inspired the spectators to understand the creations more in detail.
Kapoors design CLOUD GATE at Chicago Millennium was inspired by liquid mercury and the sculpture's surface reflects and distorts the city skyline.  His pieces relied on powder to cover the works and the floor around them.

His another creation Sky Mirror a six metre wide concave mirror of polished stainless steel angled up towards the sky continuously reflects the moving clouds and has become a regular visiting place outside the theatre in Wellington Circus,  London .

Most of his works concentrate on the usage of naturally available sources like wax, steel and wood.  Architecture principles of the sculptures utilised natural Light on illusion, reflection and refraction. Models presented in the gallery articulated the process of making those sculptures

Kapoors Upcoming project “ORBIT” a vast, snaking steel structure will dominate in 2012 Olympic Park in London. And the exhibition leaves the spectators in a sail of imaginary world.
                                                                                                                                                                Rajkamal Rao